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Category: PDF
PHP --> PDF --> RTF convert export

Hello all,

Lots of people converting things to this and that. I'm looking into incorporating the ability for a script of mine to convert PHP generated PDFs to RTF.

I don't use RTF right now because PDF should stay the main reporting format for a while, and I am aware that Acrobat 5 will convert PDF - RTF, but I was curious if anyone knew of a project that handles this kind of conversion.

I have looked at Sourceforge and around this site and haven't quite come across anything.

Thanks in advance if you have come across anything off hand.

Well I don't think you can convert directly PDF to RTF, but I wouldn't store my output data in PDF anyway. I'd store it in a flexible format that I could *easily* export to any format I wanted,. eg PDF, RTF, this could also be inside the database. Html is a great format format this, or you can think about separating presentation from content ;)

Anyway assuming you have your data in HTML format, these threads should help with the RTF conversion:

Here's a good thread:

Also here's one to convert to CSV (I know you didn't ask for this, but I think it might help ;)):

Good luck,

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